Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Sound and moving image (Mmc406)

Sound and moving image (Mmc406) 

For this assignment we have been set a task to 'create a 2 minute short film that explores and documents the production process of the visual culture assignment(mmc405) from start to Finnish'.

I began researching other peoples work and what past students had done as well as looking up the industry standard, to see what was expected of me.

links used;


In this 'sony Music Timeline' videohttps://vimeo.com/51460511, the music is really good and it builds up the tempo of the video slowly and as progress is being show the tempo of the music speeds up and slows down.

In order to make the documentation process as fluid as possible i will have to make it part of my design process..

looking into the basics of making a documentary;
 I found this website that gives tips on how to achieve the desired out come when making a documentary;http://www.desktop-documentaries.com/basics-of-making-a-documentary.html
the website advises that you should have a vision of what the finished documentary will be.
It also gives tips on documentary Editing styles.

I will be using a 'gogpro' camera to capture small establishing clips, I don't plan to do much filming other than the screen recording, The go pro records hd1080p and has sort of a fish Eye lens.

I then began to research into the world of sound and moving image techniques;

Framing techniques

The rule of thirds;
This is a basic rule of film..
 this is a framing technique used by industry professionals, its a technique which divides the frame into 9 equal squares giving and equal and symmetrical look.

using this rule when framing a shot will ensure a balanced and professional outcome.

180degree rule;
This is a basic rule of Film..
The rule is always to film on the same side, for example if filming a conversation film each side of the conversation from the same side in order to keep a natural look.


Filming styles

Time-lapse is a technique used to record over long periods of time, the outcome is a speeded up version of whats actually happened. this can be a good technique to use when filming a production process because it can take a long time to complete. Time lapse are usually used to show the passage of time.

 Close up shot;  Close up shots give detail by tightly framing a person or object

Extreme close up;  
are usually used to end scenes of dialogue, an extreme close up can conclude scenes by putting emphasis on peoples expressions.

establishing shots, establishes a time and place, They can also be used to establish an event that is happening or about to happen.

Screen recording is a technique used while capturing a production process- this is a technique I will use to capture myself in the creative process.

  Editing techniques

Speed up/ slowed down; what I am filming is obviously happening over a long period of time and in order to fit it into 2 minutes I will have to speed it up and decrease the frame rate  to fit everything into 2 minutes.

Quick Cuts; quick cuts and cutting to music can be mesmerising , it gives a natural feel and can make a big difference. I found a tutorial online;

Transitions; using fading or sliding transitions is a great way of transitioning from Clip to Clip in a natural way using a fading transition can make the video flow and come across as smooth.fades also distract the viewer from cuts and gives a more natural feel, an uninterrupted effect.

I found a website that gives tips on documentary editing styleshttps://digitalfilms.wordpress.com/2011/11/24/documentary-editing-tips/

Monday, 13 June 2016

Web design and delivery(MMC403)

Web design and delivery(MMC403)

Final website Evaluation 

Steps for desired look;
step1; I first created the HTML file adding an Image as a header and title adding a main body and then finally embedding the links to the music which are just youtube video.

Step2 ; I created the css file by following template css styling online I was able to create the desired look using the font helvetica and Instead of using a title I have used an image created in Illustrator and edited in photoshop.

step3 ; to get the desired central and balanced look I found a website called aSkeleton which showed me how to put in place a 6;6 grid. 

Overall Experience;
I found it very hard, there were lots of things that went wrong, and lots of things that had me stumped for hours, at the very start i couldnt get the Html to respond to the Css styling but after an hour or two it managed to fix itself, I'm glad i stuck with it, overall I'm satisfied with how my website looks considering its a first attempt. 

The website is Simlar to the mockups I made, I have achieved an identical look other than some background colouring. I have managed to get the content centred in the middle of the page. I am very satisfied with the outcome.

The world of Web; 
I have enjoyed working as a web designer, creating a website is almost simalar to playing a puzzle game, you have to solve a puzzle, you have to figure out how to get round obstacles, You get stuck from time to time and it takes a while but it is quite fun.  it's satisfying completing a website and although I found it stressful and repetitive I did enjoy the whole process.   

Friday, 10 June 2016

MMc405 Visual culture(Research)

Research and development of ideas; for XL recordings brief- "Illustrate a moment in the history of XL records"

I've chosen to take this brief out of personal preference as I would like to potentially work in the music industry one day, creating posters/Album art works and Visuals for music videos/Events.

I've chosen to Illustrate Adele's skyfall winning an oscar and the fact she is the only artist since The beetles to simultaneously have 2 top 5 albums and 2 top 5 singles. I myself find what she has accomplished so far amazing, to have reached the level that the beetles were at in their prime is truly outstanding and i feel it should be celebrated.

As stated, the target audience 'Music lovers' which to me means I have quite a large audience to target. Which leaves me room to explore the majority of the initial ideas I've had and take them further.

The mandatories and deliverables state that I must deliver an A1 poster and an illustration for an online Exhibition (static or moving), I must also document my research and ideas..

I looked at other students work to get an idea of what was expected of me;

To get a further idea of the standard that is expected of me I looked up Xl records on social media platforms;

XL's instagram;

 Adele's release of a new song "sending my love(to your new lover)" is due to hit ITunes soon. The song is very catchy, And would be a good thing to incorperate in my  'Online exhibition piece'..
-XL moving art
 Another Illustration giving a feel of what level of work XL would accept and what i should be aiming for.

XL seem to hold a high opinion of Adele. She is all over their website and Instagram.

I then looked at current Illustration in the music industry/current album covers and poster art;

 'Disclosure' are a DJ duo from England that have recently taken over the dance music scene and sky rocketed to success,
I found the Album cover art work inspirational, I like the Illustration over a photograph, it's sort of Trippy, Simple and effectiv.

 More disclosure art work..

As i probably have a short amount of time to complete the brief something like this wouldn't take me long but would still be as impressive and hit the industry standard..

I then began research into Adele herself and her success in the music industry so far;

Next I moved forward and tried to find a specific moment in time that I could focus on and Illustrate myself;

I looked at Adeles Acceptence speehes for her awards as i aim to highlight the fact she has won alot of them, and focus on the moment it has been announced that she has won..i looked on youtube and found there are many videos of her winning awards and her
acceptance speeches;

While reasearching which awards adele has won and after watching her acceptance speeches i've decided that i will add sound into the moving illustration, as sound could potentially be a vital part of the piece with the right music track and sound clips.

In this clip from 2009 adele wins best new artist.
I like the way That it is announced, the sound is really clear and the crowd cheer at the right time. it is ideal.

I began looking into colour theory, as I have done before, I studied colour charts,  in an effort to understand better, which colours go together, which colours contrast well and which colours draw attention mostly as i am designing a poster it should be both bold and visually pleasing..


Using Adobe Illustrator I began illustrating at first using a photo of adele from the XL recordings website, I traced over the most predominant and recognisable features of her face to start off with.

I then filled in parts of the illustration with different sized strokes to create depth and add detail.

 I moved on to the awards, starting with the Golden globe award and then eventually moving onto the Grammy and brit awards..

I arranged the separate illustrations in a way so that they are vusually pleasing, and used grey and yellow to create contrast and make the imagery stand out
I played arround with the size and font of the title, arranging it in different possitions, to find which one looked best.

final decisions on font and placing...
I also included the XL logo, to make it appear as tho the poster has been branded and is identifiable with Xl recordings.

After the finnishing touches were done on the
poster i began to focus on the moving illlustration that would potentially be part of the online exhibition..

"I came up with the idea that as Xl wanted the piece to be an illustration of an event,  I would incorporate a pencil, and have it drawing, to put emphasis on the idea that the piece is being created as tho history is being created by Adele & XL themselves". 

I used primary colours, to bring emotion and contrast into the illustration..

To animate the illustration and create the effect that the piece is moving and being drawn before the viewers eyes, I used a technique which combines layers in illustrator  and plays through them like a flick book animation and loaded them into after effects.

I put in a feature which shows Adele crying as she does in many of her award acceptances...