Monday, 30 November 2015

MMc401.3 motion graphic brief

Definition- 'motion graphics are often static graphic objects like type, that use simple animation technology to create the illusion of motion or rotation. Motion graphics is usually combined with audio. Common applications of motion graphics are film title sequences, animated logos at the end of commercials or on web sites.'

Motion graphics is a new discipline that has emerged from the crossing of film, video, animation and film titles, combining all these genres you get 'motion graphics' its a form of visual communication, using moving effects and sound to communicate narrative. 

Researching into the history of motion graphics i've found it dates back to arround 1920s where artists began to rurn their paintings and illustration ideas into animatd motifs  that moved up and down the page to the sound of music. hans richter- an abstract film maker was considered one of the first to translate music principles into sequences of moving images. 

Hans Richter (April 6, 1888 – February 1, 1976) was a German painter, graphic artist, avant-gardist, film-experimenter and producer.[1] He was born in Berlin into a well-to-do family and died in Minusio, near LocarnoSwitzerland.

'Richter believed that the artist's duty was to be actively political, opposing war and supporting the revolution.'

The first real break-through for graphic design artists came came with Richter's 'filmstudie'(1926). The film was released with an orignanal soundtrack, and suprisingly contemorary. the film contains lots of original imagery and floating eyeballs!;

watching the film through, gives you a breif insight into Richter's style. 

Looking into the origin of graphic motion has inspired me to perhaps produce some work that is similar to richters, as he is essentially the creator of motion graphics and his work is still contemporary. 

Saul Bass
'Saul Bass (/sɔːl bæs/; May 8, 1920 – April 25, 1996) was an American graphic designer and Academy Award winning filmmaker, best known for his design of motion picture title sequencesfilm posters, and corporate logos.'

Motion graphics became a popular genre in the 1960's. 'Heir' to richter's motion graphic throne. Saul Bass created films that appealed to a wide audience, he had a Bauhaus- themed style and he inspired a growing number of graphic designers to venture into filmmaking. In 1955 designed and created the title sequence for 'The man with the golden arm' a film about drug addiction, directed by Otto Preminger  and starring Frank Sinatra

Kinetic typography—the technical name for "moving text"—is an animation technique mixing motion and text to express ideas using video animation. This text is presented over time in a manner intended to convey or evoke a particular idea or emotion.

Kinetic typography seems to be everywhere but is most commonly used in film titles, video and television. But recently it has been used in web design, the animation technique is gaining popularity as a background effect on websites. 

 Where did Kinetic typography come from?

"Researchers at the Human Computer Interaction Institute and School of Design at Carnegie Mellon University have traced the first use of kinetic typography to the 1959 Alfred Hitchcock’s  film “North by Northwest.” In the opening credits, type is used in a movable format. A year later, the effect was used again in “Psycho.” “This work stemmed in part from a desire to have the opening credits set the stage for the film by establishing a mood, rather than simply conveying the information of the credits,"

("There are uses in which kinetic typography has proven to be particularly effective. These uses most relate to tone. Adding movable type to something that would otherwise be static in nature can add help achieve this. Best uses for kinetic typography include:
  • Creating emotional content
  • Creating characters
  • Capturing attention

Ideas Generation

";is the creative process of generating, developing, and communicating new ideas, where an idea is understood as a basic element of thought that can be either visual, concrete, or abstract. Ideation comprises all stages of a thought cycle, from innovation, to development, to actualization."

I searched the web for better ways of coming up with creative ideas, i found a website that shares methods for generating ideas quickly;

For my initial story board idea, I quickly came up with some basic ideas and immediately put them into a story board layout
In the first few  frames you can see the type appearing, at this stage I'm not sure how I want it to appear, I will continue my research into kinetic typography and see what sort of transitions look good. 

next I did some critical thinking,  I re-thought my ideas thoroughly and after combining my research into the history of motion graphics and recent inspirations, I was able was able to take my ideas further. 


"An illustration is a visualization or a depiction of a subject made by an artist, such as a drawing, sketch, painting, photograph, or other kind of image of things seen, remembered or imagined, using a graphical representation. The word comes from the latin word illustra'tio, illu'stro meaning enlighten, irradiate."

To get a better understanding of exactly what illustration is, I looked on to behance and looked at past students work, as well as whats current. 

I found it interesting, the various different techniques people tend to use in illustration, some people use a  certain style that they find success with and then go on to create more similar projects using the same technique.  

I also searched on Instagram, for some current illustration, I like using Instagram to see whats current because it gives you more personal projects,  artists upload there own work, that hasn't been created for a brief of any kind. 

"Today, there is a growing interest in collecting and admiring original artwork that was used as illustrations in books, magazines, posters, blogs, etc. Various museum exhibitions, magazines and art galleries have devoted space to the illustrators of the In the visual art world, illustrators have sometimes been considered less important in comparison with fine artists and graphic designers, the term "illustrative" sometimes being used as a negative critique. But, possibly in part due to the growth of video game and graphic novel industries, as well as a recent swing in value towards illustration in magazines and other publications over photography, illustration is becoming a valued, popular, and profitable art form that can acquire a wider market than the other two, such as in KoreaJapanHong Kong, and the United States"

Narrative -                                            In Motion Graphics
"a spoken or written account of connected events; a story."

The term narrative is defined as a spoken or written account of connected events; therefore it can also apply to a visual sequence. Narrative in motion graphics is important for whats the point without a narrative? Its important the graphics tell a story and without narrative the story has no purpose. Plus when creating motion graphics having a narritve can help you come up with ideas, and can help you have a better understanding of what you are trying to create. Motion graphics use visuals that compliment the information being given. In the example shown a light bulb graphic is shown as the narrator talks about ideas generation. This keeps the audiences attention and as a light bulb is often use to visually represent a new idea, it is very appropriate to the message. Motion graphics play a role in brand identity too. On adverts, brands like xbox, Playstation and windows will use motion graphics within their logos. Thus providing a more stimulating viewing experience than a static image. Motion graphics rely on a accessible narrative in order to communicate successfully, if used correctly they can be a strong tool for making even the most boring information interesting enough to taken in by an audience.

By Jonathan Verma

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