Self-directed Website design
-Show steps taken
-Show how the design elements were created
Useful links;
(21/11/16) Brief;
Design a website for your personal design company, research into the steps you will need to take to create website design's, and produce:
-(2) Mood boards that show two different directions for the website
-A style tile that shows the UI elements I could potentially implement
- wireframes that represent the layout of the website
- A set of rendered web designs that are industry standard
- A Style guide
Other design companies websites to look at; Nottingham Nottingham Nottingham Nottingham Birmingham
For inspiration I've screen shotted designs or images that I feel are nice and that are worth referring to when creating my designs...
Action plan & deadlines;
Week Commencing 21st Nov:
-Update Design brief
-Research Local Market
-(2) Mood boards (due: 25/11/16)
-Style Tile (due: 28/11/16)
Week Commencing 28th Nov:
-Update Design brief
-Wire frames (due: 05/12/16)
Week Commencing 5th December:
-rendered web designs (due: 12/12/06)
-style guides (due: 12/12/16)
Steps taken;
(mood boards) (22/11/16) I began by establishing a colour scheme and adding Images I thought invoked certain feelings,
as well as adding type that complemented the images...
I used the website 'unsplash' to find images.
Mood board (2) (24/11/16)
for the second mood board showing a different direction of ideas. I went with a more more industrial feel...
I started following an account on insagram that posts recent Ui trends, it has given me some good ideas..
I found more inspiration on Instagram, the images on the web page gives me a good feel of what images of that nature will look like on a website...
I found a logo that I think is really cool, I will keep it in mind and use it as inspiration when creating my style tile..
Style Tile; (began 25/11/16)
Creating the UI elements, logo, Typography, buttons, colour palettes and images...
-I picked the colour pallet from my first mood board, i think the colours contrast really well and have a nice feel to them. The font I used is "coolvetica", it is bold and not too formal.
-I chose a pattern based on the colour scheme from my mood board.
-I followed a style tile template that I found online, as well as closely using the presentation provided form Chris Bailey, a local Designer.
Wire Frames (began 1/12/16);
also following the presentation given by Chris Bailey, I created wire frames for my website, simple showing the functionality of the website.
Web Designs(8/12/16)
I managed to complete the final web designs for the website,
Following my mood boards, style tiles and with the inspiration I've taken from other design companies websites i managed to complete the final designs for my website.
Style guides( 8/12/16):
-Images on the web page should be colourful and vibirant
[Images should be high resolution]
-Type should be bold and easily readable
[none formal type]
-Images should provide contrast with the colour scheme
-Colour scheme should have a palette of mixed colours from dominant to relaxing and 'happy' colours.
-Images must be visually pleasing.
-There should be space
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